

Created by Make-Believe Games

Toxicity is a golden age RPG that mixes cutting edge rules with old-school dungeon crawling beneath the meat-streets of 70's NYC.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Latest MBG News
over 8 years ago – Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 12:57:11 AM

Great news, everybody! The I Am Zombie: Toxicity physical proofs are on their way in from the printer, and should be arriving soon!

While we’ve got you here, some more good news: We at Make Believe are currently at work on several new projects (some we can't announce, yet), but we think they’re all seriously cool, and when they’re ready, YOU, our wonderful Kickstarter supporters, will be among the first to know.

This past week, we announced that Make Believe Games is partnering with Storm Bringer Studios to create a virtual reality game called VRZ (VR zGame)m which is based on the I Am Zombie RPG. VRZ combines an engaging storyline with rich tactical environments and clever puzzles. It features an amazing locomotion system and realistic weapons and controls. VRZ is positioned to be one of the newest and most rewarding experiences in virtual reality gaming, and the first stage of the partnership’s plans to pioneer innovation in this emerging arena.

You can check out the amazing demo on Steam:

Another project we will be announcing within the next several weeks is our official Demo Team Program, where our fans and playtesters can earn some pretty cool Make Believe Games swag by running games at stores and at conventions! If you like to GM and/or playtest, sign on up!

For Toxicity, we’d just like to remind everyone the deadline on Backerkit is September 30th. Thanks to everyone for spreading the word to those who missed out on the actual Kickstarter campaign. If you know of someone who has not yet been infected, please pass on the link:

Stay tuned for more exciting updates, and in the meantime, we would love to hear all your memorable I Am Zombie anecdotes and tales of actual play. Post if you got ‘em!:

Facebook: @MakeBelieveGames and @IAmZombieRPG
Twitter: @MakeBelieveGames

TOXICITY - BackerKit Goes LIVE!
over 8 years ago – Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 12:14:02 PM

Great News!

BackerKit Goes LIVE!

It’s been a whirlwind since Gencon, with a big chunk of that energy going toward pushing the last buttons to get TOXICITY out to you. The printer has the files now and now we need to make sure we know where to send your rewards once the books come back.

If you’re familiar with the Backerkit system, you know what to do. It’s the usual survey: sign in, order any add-ons you want like those infamous orange TOXICITY dice, provide your shipping address and then check out. The only slightly unusual step is that we’re giving you a choice of whether to receive any I AM ZOMBIE rewards immediately or bundle them with your TOXICITY materials in order to save money on shipping. It’s your choice.

If you’ve never used Backerkit, that last paragraph explains just how easy it is. All you need to do is click the link and enter the email address associated with your Kickstarter pledge. The system will send you a login. From there, you can order add-ons and set up how and where you want everything shipped.

You should have already received the link directly from Backerkit but some spam filters are aggressive. If you missed the initial email, the link is here:

You have until September 30 to finalize your response. Needless to say, we don’t mind if you pass the link around to anyone who missed the original campaign and is now eager to buy the books.

Now get out there and if you haven’t filled out the survey already, please do so now! The faster we collect your responses, the more efficiently we can route the deliveries and the quicker you’ll get your rewards. And if you have ANY problem, please reach out via Kickstarter message (or write us at [email protected]) and we’ll get you straightened out.

I know this is a lot of dull logistics but don’t worry, the Make Believe Games team is working hard behind the scenes on an all-new project that I suspect you zombies will love.

Back From Gencon, Back To Work!
over 8 years ago – Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 09:25:04 PM

It was great to meet so many TOXIC fans at Gencon this year and reconnect with old friends and colleagues. At the end of the day, this incredible hobby of ours is all about getting together, face to face, rolling the dice and making the adventure happen. You’re all incredible.  

Part of the joy this year was getting to run IAZ with our Kickstarter backers. It seems like every game is a magnet for new players: people get the cards in their hands, figure it out and suddenly the concept clicks. I’ve seen it happen all over the world and it’s true, the Gamer & Gencon crowd really has the fastest learning curve on the planet. 

I’m seeing that level of energy again and again lately, both inside the industry and out in what they tell me is “the real world.” Everyone keeps saying that roleplaying is dead, that board games and online adventuring have taken over. I have to say record attendance at Gencon proves that wrong: 60,000 people overflowing the convention space into the stadium, playing the kind of games we know and love. 

I spent a lot of time with Martin Ericsson from the new White Wolf and he’s eager to harness all that energy to create the next generation of epic games. Sandy Petersen, Greg Stafford and the Chaosium team feel it too -- we shared a booth with Chaosium and it was lovely to hang out with them and especially Greg at what might be his last game convention. 

We look forward to working with Chaosium in the and we just might have an amazing announcement to make in the near future, stay tuned! 

There’s a sense of torches passing as we explore the once-unknown corridors of the future together. Not so much Olympic torches: the kind gamers have been holding up to see into the dark for a long time now. It’s mysterious out there in the dark, but you’ve got to take a risk to share the rewards. 

Speaking of primordial whispers in the darkness, we have an announcement or two coming up that I personally think will be extremely exciting. I don’t want to say too much yet, but this project could change the industry landscape. 

And of course in the meantime, the MBG team has been finalizing the print rewards for our last Kickstarter. We’re still on track for September delivery. 

For now, if I saw you at the convention, please get in touch with me here or back in touch as the case might be. We have a lot going on and I’m recruiting adventurers to run demo games, playtest new concepts or simply bounce ideas around. We have the world in our hands folk, roleplaying is certainly going to be the entertainment of the future... VR, MR and AR assure us that we ARE the future. So what are we going to do with our pioneer status?


Toxicity Dice Color Vote Now Underway
over 8 years ago – Tue, Jul 05, 2016 at 10:20:10 PM

We now ask you to take a break from devouring your Toxicity PDFs to head over to the Make Believe Games website to help decide the final color of the skagalicious Toxicity dice. 

over 8 years ago – Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 07:53:05 PM

Good News!

The TOXICITY Books and Print & Play card PDFs should already be in your inbox.

On time and on schedule.

We are Invictus! ;D

They are be available for you through a Drive Thru download link, which has been sent to the email you gave us as a backer. If you haven’t already gotten or don’t receive the Drive Thru link in the next few days, please message us here on Kickstarter.

Before sending them to the printer, we’d like to have some feedback from you all, so please, take a look at them and if you spot any errors or typos, let us know!

Thanks in advance!

Infectiously yours,

The staff of Make Believe Games